Redevelop and Remodel Your Home

Has Your Home Lost Stability? Signs You May Need To Invest In Underpinning Services

If your home is elevated, you need to worry about subsidence. Subsidence can cause your entire home to collapse, especially if the issue isn't resolved in a timely manner. If you're like many people, you might not be aware of what subsidence actually involves. In general, it means the degradation of the soil under the home. As the soil degrades, the home and foundation begin to sink, which leads to the loss of structural integrity of your home. Unfortunately, many homeowners don't know what to look for when inspecting for signs of subsidence. If you're in that category, read the list provided below. If you recognise any of the issues described here, it's time to contact a remodelling contractor. You may need to invest in underpinning as it can repair damage and restore the structural integrity of your home. 

Your Walls Have a Distinct Bow

If your home is affected by subsidence, the first thing you need to do is inspect the walls. Many people check the walls for signs of leaning, which can happen when subsidence is involved. However, leaning isn't the only problem that can affect the walls of your home. You may also notice that the walls are bowing. This can happen when the soil under the centre of the home is sinking. When this happens, you'll notice a slight bowing of the interior walls. That's a sure sign that you need to talk to a remodelling contractor about underpinning. 

Your Skirting Boards Have Gaps

If you're concerned that your home has sustained some structural damage over the years, take a close look at the skirting along the base of your interior walls. If your home is still structurally sound, the skirting should still fit flush against the base of the walls. However, if your home has sustained damage caused by subsidence, you might be able to see some gaps between the skirting and the walls. If that's the case, you need to have a remodelling contractor come out to conduct a professional inspection of your home. Chances are good that you'll need to invest in underpinning. 

Your Exterior Doors Are Jammed

If you're worried about the stability of your home, and you think that you might need to invest in some underpinning work, it's time to check the exterior doors. If your exterior doors won't open without some use of physical force, there's a good chance that your home is in need of underpinning. The jamming could be caused by a shift in your home, which can happen when the soil begins to sink. Underpinning can resolve the issue and restore your home's stability. 

For more information, contact an underpinning service
